Craigslist site is a great place to promote your business, website, service, etc. Posting on Craigslist daily will bring you steady daily traffic. In this article I would like to share with you how to stay organized with daily posting and how to do it most effectively to get most traffic from it.
If you are just starting posting daily on Craigslist try to test few sections first. If your offer can go to sales, real estate and finance categories, post one day to sales, second to real estate and third to finance. Track your traffic and conversions. You can run this test for more time, week or more. After that you will find which sections bring you the best traffic and you can focus mostly on them.
Everyday change your ad title and ad copy. Don't try to fool Craigslist, they don't like ad duplication, every of your ad has to be unique. Titles are playing a very important role in your ad. Think of your ad titles same as headlines in newspapers. They are the first thing you will look at. That's why your titles have to catch attention and have to stand up from other. Check your competition ads first, see what kind of words, techniques they are using and try do it better.
Ad copy is second most important part to get more traffic from Craigslist. It should not say much about your offer because you want people to go to your site, to opt in, find more information, etc. That's why your ad copy should be short and sweet. Try to use some copywriting techniques, check your competition and improve. Graphic ads can give you a better conversion rate but you should always test it with text ads to find a winner. Don't take for granted that graphic ads always convert best because specific sections may prefer text ads and opposite.
Make an Excel sheet. Everyday save link to your ad, section where you have posted and possible, clicks, conversions and conversion rate if you can. Make every day different conversion link, that way you will find ads in which day brought you the most traffic and leads/sales. Only by tracking you will be able to improve your ads, conversion and make more money. Daily posting on Craigslist is a consistent testing work.
I hope you have learnt a lot from this article. Posting on Craigslist can be very lucrative, especially posting on a daily basis. But only posting won't bring you match if you won't check stats and track conversions. Stay organized and improve your ads, you will see eventually tons of traffic flooding your site. - 18193
If you are just starting posting daily on Craigslist try to test few sections first. If your offer can go to sales, real estate and finance categories, post one day to sales, second to real estate and third to finance. Track your traffic and conversions. You can run this test for more time, week or more. After that you will find which sections bring you the best traffic and you can focus mostly on them.
Everyday change your ad title and ad copy. Don't try to fool Craigslist, they don't like ad duplication, every of your ad has to be unique. Titles are playing a very important role in your ad. Think of your ad titles same as headlines in newspapers. They are the first thing you will look at. That's why your titles have to catch attention and have to stand up from other. Check your competition ads first, see what kind of words, techniques they are using and try do it better.
Ad copy is second most important part to get more traffic from Craigslist. It should not say much about your offer because you want people to go to your site, to opt in, find more information, etc. That's why your ad copy should be short and sweet. Try to use some copywriting techniques, check your competition and improve. Graphic ads can give you a better conversion rate but you should always test it with text ads to find a winner. Don't take for granted that graphic ads always convert best because specific sections may prefer text ads and opposite.
Make an Excel sheet. Everyday save link to your ad, section where you have posted and possible, clicks, conversions and conversion rate if you can. Make every day different conversion link, that way you will find ads in which day brought you the most traffic and leads/sales. Only by tracking you will be able to improve your ads, conversion and make more money. Daily posting on Craigslist is a consistent testing work.
I hope you have learnt a lot from this article. Posting on Craigslist can be very lucrative, especially posting on a daily basis. But only posting won't bring you match if you won't check stats and track conversions. Stay organized and improve your ads, you will see eventually tons of traffic flooding your site. - 18193
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