How the slowdown is hitting the credit card market

By Mark Wright

The current credit quagmire is a different animal to previous slowdowns, economic downturns or financial crises. Firstly it has a catchy, media-friendly name ('Credit Crunch'). Secondly and most importantly it's hit consumers harder and much earlier than previous 'economic readjustments'. The catchy title isn't to be underestimated - the media's love of the term has raised awareness amongst the general public that there is a major problem with the financial system. It's also brought home the fact that much of what is happening now is a direct consequence of the 10 years of good times had by all in the credit bonanza of the late 1990's and early 2000's. A survey by financial information analysts Moneyfacts has found that at least 10% of credit cards have raised their interest rates as a direct response to the current crisis.

As a consequence, the average APR on credit cards has risen from 16.8% to 17.2% in just over three months. This upward trend is a direct counter to the Bank of England's 1.5% recent base rate cut, which brought the base rate down to 3% in an attempt to cool the prospect of rising inflation. This particular credit crunch is biting hard across the board. The slush fund banks use to lend to each other is running dry and this time consumers are feeling the squeeze as well. As a result consumer spending has dropped markedly meaning that even less money goes into the economy, perpetuating the situation. In lender's eyes, this lack of available cash means that customers pose a greater risk to the credit card companies due to the increased chance of defaulting on payments. But rather than just shoring up via interest charges, lenders are being much more proactive this time to try to stabilise the market for everyone.

As the dominoes started to fall in the banking industry, lenders lost faith with their former partners and in their customers' ability to pay back loans and credit card debts. The system relies on continuous injections of consumer cash in the form of interest payments to keep working. As borrowing from other financial institutions has become much harder, the only way for lenders to raise capital is to increase the interest charges on credit cards, loans, credit agreements and mortgages. This ground-shift signifies an end to the 'live now, pay later' mentality of the 1980's and 1990's. The good times really could be over - for a short time, anyway. But by readjusting their positions, the lenders may actually be doing the right thing, and not giving in to 'quick fix' solutions like rate cuts. A more pragmatic approach to the system means that credit cards still offer great deals - they're just a little more careful to avoid lending to customers that may already have problems.

Up until 2007 the previous ten years were a boom time for credit card lenders in the UK. It wasn't just the credit crunch that stopped the credit card companies in their tracks. An extremely competitive credit marketplace, coupled with a global economic slowdown, increasing international bad debts and government regulations made the credit card lenders re-evaluate their positions. Some more panic-stricken credit card companies responded by 'dumping' thousands of customers they considered not 'profitable' - namely those who paid off their credit card balance in full every month. Other lenders are reigning in their customer's spending habits by restricting credit limits and access to cash withdrawals.

The lenders have suffered a double-blow. The loss of individual overall market share in the 1990's resulted in lenders fighting hard for the affections of a credit card loving public with a plethora of 0% offers. Card lenders are now charging up to 3% balance transfer fees to try and regain a more stable financial position and refund some of the lost earnings that 0% offers cause. The second blow was the Office of Fair Trading's decision in 2006 to impose a 12 cap on penalty fees. Now card lenders are bracing themselves for a third punch; the Complaint's Commission decision to take a long, hard look at personal protection insurance schemes that are often mandatory additions to credit card agreements.

The continuing economic slowdown could really start to impact on jobs in the next 12 months, with unemployment set to climb. This is making the credit card lenders even more nervous, as the prospect of more people defaulting on their payments because of the loss of primary income increases the card lender's exposure to more 'bad debt' risk. All of this seems to imply that the era of the friend in your wallet is over, but that's not strictly true. What has happened is a readjustment of the marketplace, making it more stable for lenders and borrowers to maintain a safe position. Credit cards may have stricter approval criteria than in the boom times of the 1990's, but it also means that a more responsible approach to lending has been adopted, and that can only be a good thing. - 18193

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